If you have been struggling for months or years to get your dog to regain its energy and zest for life with no results, know that it’s not your fault.

According to scientists from the University of Missouri, all the dog foods on the market, no matter how expensive, are full of hidden hormones and chemicals that are not natural or good for your pup. These hormones lead to subtle weight gain that is devastating to your dog’s health. 

Every dog they had to put down due to severe health problems had this hidden toxin in their blood…

That came from common foods that 96% of dog owners feed their pets on a daily basis. 

However, here are some practical tips to help you choose the best dog food for your dog's overall health. 

Here are some measures to consider:

1. Consult with a Veterinarian: 

Seek guidance from a veterinarian who can evaluate your dog's specific nutritional needs based on factors such as age, breed, activity level, and any underlying health conditions. They can provide personalized recommendations and help you make informed decisions.

2. Read the Ingredient List: 

Carefully examine the ingredient list on the dog food packaging. Look for whole food ingredients such as real meats (e.g., chicken, beef, fish), whole grains (e.g., brown rice, oatmeal), and vegetables. Avoid foods with excessive fillers, by-products, artificial additives, or ingredients that are difficult to pronounce. Try to choose herbal combined with meat based, chemical free products. Scientists in the USA have created Ultra K9 Pro which is a liquid supplement specially formulated for dogs. This unique formula contains primal nutrients that support the liver, kidneys, and thyroid. 

This proven formula helps in regulating body weight, removes toxins, improves metabolism, flexibility, and bone strength. By providing essential nutrients, Ultra K9 Pro boosts energy levels and potentially extends your dog's lifespan.

Countless studies have confirmed its efficacy in enhancing canine health and promoting longevity. Dog owners who have fed these primal nutrients to their four-legged friends reported their dogs as being visibly healthier and having more energy and "No more visits to the vet".

A user Grace Rees of New York, USA

describes Ultra K9 Pro after 3 months of usage. She says "After discovering these nutrients, Lola is like a small little puppy again. She is full of life and so happy. We are just a few weeks into using these nutrients and I truly believe it is the best thing I ever did for her."

Another user Jacob Jackson of Wyoming, USA says “My goldie, Bobby, has never been happier. Now, at 11 years old, he can outrun most of those younger pups at the park without breaking a sweat. He’s in the best shape of his life and I will make sure to keep him that way.”

After 2 months of use Riley Gould of Chicago, USA describes Ultra K9 Pro as the best nutritional value for her puppy. She says “As soon as I started my puppy on these nutrients, he’s been having more energy and it honestly feels like a completely different dog. I can tell how happy and grateful he is that I’m looking out for him.”

Many customers are happy with this product. With results showing up within only 3 months of usage. 

You may also want to know - A Dangerous Underlying Reason For Why Your Dog's Food Is Brown In Color? 

3. Check for Nutritional Adequacy:

Ensure that the dog food you choose is labeled as "complete and balanced" by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO). This indicates that it meets the minimum standards for essential nutrients necessary for your dog's health. Bovine, a special ingredient derived by cooking cow meat in a saucepan and then dried and powdered, is useful as it contains collagen I and III, a necessary protein essential for cartilage and bone health. 

4. Consider Life Stage and Special Needs: 

Select a dog food formulated specifically for your dog's life stage (puppy, adult, senior) to meet their age-specific nutritional requirements. Choose a supplement has been formulated with adequate components essential to meet those requirements. 

Click here to meet your dog's nutritional deficiency 

5. Assess the Protein Content: 

Dogs require a sufficient amount of high-quality protein for muscle development and overall health. Because of its unique formulation of "primary nutrients," the UltraK9 Pro supplement lives up to its reputation as an excellent dietary aid. Primitive nutrients are mostly composed of plants and herbs that have a high concentration of nutrients. 

Several of the ingredients in Ultra K9 Pro have a lengthy history of use in the medical and nutritional fields for human beings. It contains Ashwagandha, as a significant number of people make daily use of ashwagandha and turmeric as anti-inflammatory and stress-relieving supplements. This dietary supplement made from herbs is risk-free for dogs and cats when administered in the recommended dosages.

6. Evaluate Fat and Carbohydrate Levels: 

Dogs also need appropriate levels of healthy fats for energy and skin/coat health. Opt for dog foods that contain moderate levels of fats derived from quality sources. 

7. Avoid Common Allergens: 

If your dog has known allergies or sensitivities, identify potential trigger ingredients (e.g., grains, certain meats) and choose dog foods specifically formulated to be free from those allergens. 

8. Gradual Transition and Observation: 

When switching to a new dog food, introduce it gradually over several days to avoid digestive upset. Monitor your dog's response to the new food, including changes in appetite, stool quality, coat condition, and overall energy levels. While using supplements check overall instructions by the manufacturer.

9. Regularly Evaluate and Adjust: 

Regularly assess your dog's body condition, weight, and overall health. Take them to an outdoor environment like a park and spend time with them. If you notice any significant changes or concerns, consult with your veterinarian to re-evaluate their diet and make any necessary adjustments.

To summarize, you may consider the above tips to help improve your dog's health. On the other hand, Ultra K9 Pro makes the claim of restoring your dog's health and longevity. The testimonials placed on the company's website claim to bring back the youthful vitality of your canine. These special nutrients are able to clear any dog’s body of the extra weight and toxins that their owners might not even be aware of. It will strengthen the pet’s liver, kidneys and thyroid as they can fight against unnatural GMOs, preservatives, toxins, allergenic grains and AGEs that are already in their body.

Your beloved dog’s digestion will work better, the inflammation in their body will go down, especially the aches in their joints and tendons. And all of this will add back years to any pet’s life. This is the only complete treatment for canine health and longevity if and it is also the most delicious treat for their meals.

This Strong Nutrient Adds 4 More Years Of Your Dog's Life